And you say...

* the loveLY. the ugLY.....

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Dear guys...
PMS-ing must be one of the most uncomfortable things to experience for a woman. I don't know about other women out there lah, but it definitely makes me feel uncomfortable.

It's easy for me to tell when I'm gonna have a real bad time of a period for a certain month. But then again, when do I NOT have a bad period? Darn! Okie, an extra bad one. PMS tells it all. That's why it's called Pre-Menstrual Syndrome...

Okie guys...let me say this to you. You probably feel uncomfortable when you see a girl/woman acting like not herself, and then you think, "Oh dear, she's PMS-ing! I'd better get faaaaaaar and awaaaaaaay!! Scram!"

Sure it would feel uncomfortable...who likes hanging around people who are grumpy and touchy, anyway? But trust me on this, it's even more uncomfortable for a girl/woman who's going through PMS.

You know why? Because her hormones are topsy-turvy and it's like a bottle filled a quarter with sand, and someone takes it and goncang it real hard. Okie lah, lame analogy...forget I said that. =P But you get my drift, yes?

So what can happen during PMS?
1. She becomes grumpy and grouchy.
2. She becomes irritable.
3. She becomes more sensitive, maybe 5-10 times more sensitive than usual. Sometimes even more.
4. She feels like eating anything and everything, and then craves for more food.
5. She thinks irrationally.
6. She has hot flushes...then, she's literally HOT.
7. She has aches here and there, all over the body.
8. She becomes extra anxious.
9. Some changes happens physically, and I don't think I shall mention them. =)
10. She gets depressed and everything feels wrong.

Of course, NOT all girls/women go through ALL of that, nor does this happen every month. Don't get frightened...

So what can you do to help them? For one, be your normal self, be nice, and don't scram. We don't want to scare you guys off...and trust me, it's not like we like or love going through this phase at all. Maybe cracking a good joke might help.

And of course, DO NOT EVER EVER EVER say, "What's up with you today? Why are you so grumpy?"

Once those words are out, that's it. You don't want all hell breaking loose, do you? Or rather, those rivers of tears breaking the dams.

So, yup...just be nice and polite, and smile and laugh. =)

* A note to the women: PMS isn't an excuse for us to "behave bad" anyway...we must control! I'm still learning...sigh.......



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