And you say...

* the loveLY. the ugLY.....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Condoms are made of rubber??
We were talking over lunch today when jiejie Eunice mentioned about a program she saw on the net about condoms...Jem's eyes grew wide.

"Condoms are made of rubber?"


She sat in silence...then, "Condoms are made of rubber?"

"Yah...otherwise what, plastic?"

"Yeah right...don't try to bluff me!"

"Huh? Do you even know what condoms are?"

"Yah I know!! They are used to prevent pregnancy"

"Oh good...I thought you didn't know."

"So...condoms are made of rubber?"

"Yes lah!"

Then jiejie proceeded to explain how condoms were used.

"Wait...condoms are not those things you swallow??"

Everyone burst out laughing.

P/S: It's alright, Jem...when I was twelve, I didn't even know there were such things, let alone what it's made of or its usage =) Hehe...
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