And you say...

* the loveLY. the ugLY.....

Friday, July 06, 2007
loathe ---> like
I used to hate wait, I mean, LOATHE. Yeah.

That was when I was at the age of twelve or one could force me to go jogging. I'd make up excuses for not going for a run with my sis. All the time. I really hated it big time, like really kow-kow don't like. I don't know why I hated it then, but I did.

Then it got better. I started to dislike running...although once, I got a prize for being one of the first fifteen to reach the finishing line during merentas desa. Haha, but still I disliked the idea of putting on my shoes and run.

Now, I go running without even being asked. even feels good! Hehe...see how far I've come. My sis should be proud of me. =P Kekekekekeh...

Okie imagine that's me...except with black hair, and I, most of the time, don't run with dark glasses. In fact, I never do...oh, and I don't wear long pants; I wear shorts. Oh and wait, I'm definitely younger. Much much younger. And I'm much darker too. Haha, okie forget it...let's just forget that I even put that picture up. =P

I'm starting to like running. =)
(And everyone goes, "Oh my gosh, I'm speechless!!")

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