And you say...

* the loveLY. the ugLY.....

Sunday, September 03, 2006
I spent the whole of Friday in bed...with an unwanted and uninvited guest. Its name is FEVER...

With FEVER also came a host of friends...HEADACHE, BODYACHE, RUNNING NOSE, and SORE THROAT. Oh, actually SORE THROAT dropped by on Thursday woke me up twice from my beautiful and most precious sleep...

So following my dad's advice, I went to see the doctor on Friday night...he was a li'l surprised that FEVER came quickly. I was surprised, he gave me some medication to help get rid of FEVER and Company.

Saturday came...spent the morning in bed. But after lunch, I had to get ready for band practice (couldn't find anyone to replace me). When we got to the Youth Centre, I realized that lo and behold, the keyboard wasn't there...I seriously wonder who was responsible. Hmmm. So, Daniel and Paulus had to go pick it up.

I left YF after worship ended...Daniel, the kind soul, drove me home (well, actually he had to get home early, too). Went straight to bed again...

Woke up this morning feeling much better...went to church. Now, FEVER, BODYACHE and HEADACHE are gone. Actually SORE THROAT's left, too...but it called its good friend COUGH to come replace it...

I don't think COUGH and RUNNING NOSE will leave tomorrow...I've lost ONE precious and significant kilogram...oh sighhhhh..........

By the way, I learnt a new word in church today (if you guys were listening closely, you would have heard it, too)...if anyone can tell me what "widthness" mean, I'll give you a pat on your back and tell you that you're real smart. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.............................................

Sorry...that was pure self-entertaintment...

What a break.

About the keyboard, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine! I'm sooooo sorry! I completely forgot to bring it back to the center after W@P!!  


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