I'll let the pictures speak... =)
Mum's extended family...not complete, though.
We went to watch a soccer game at the
Kluang stadium...and of course, girls being girls,
we just can't resist taking pictures. =P
Mum's extended family again...plus the Cheng's.
The cousins...not complete, again.
The Reds...ahhahah...
INCIDENT #1:Ms. Lydia Tang and Ms. Yong Chin Fang are sitting at a table, with Mr. Pork Chop sitting opposite them. Mr. Boss comes along...Boss to Pork Chop: Wei, Ms. Tang shi wo de, hor...ni bu yao dong ta! (Ms. Tang is mine. You don't touch her.)Pork Chop: *mumbles something incomprehensible*Ms. Yong gives Ms. Tang a sideway glance, a teasing smile playing on her lips. Ms. Tang gives a weird expression to Ms. Yong.................................................................
INCIDENT #2:Ms. Lydia Tang enters the ward. A new young male patient who was admitted over the weekend, comes up to her.Patient: Hello...what's your name?Ms. Tang: Hi...I'm Lydia.Patient: Hi... *pauses* ...you're very good-looking, you know...Ms. Tang: Umm...okie. Thank you. *smiles awkwardly*Patient: *continues staring at Ms. Tang* Can I touch you?Ms. Tang: *backs away immediately, crosses her arms* NO. I'M YOUR NURSE, YOU'RE MY PATIENT, OK. *gives the death glare*Patient: *smiles like a silly cheeky goat* I'm just joking lah, huh...Ms. Tang, feeling utterly shocked, walks away .
INCIDENT #3:Three or four male patients surrounding Ms. Lydia Tang...Patients: You got boyfriend or not???Ms. Tang: YES!
Ms. Tang, in her heart thinking, "God, please forgive me for lying!!"
Conclusion: After this Friday, Ms. Tang wouldn't wanna go back to IMH (Institute of Mental Health) nor meet any schizophrenics nor terribly delusioned people for a very, very looooooong time.